2025/03/13: New article: More affected areas.. Tracking updates and small fixes.
2025/03/11: New article: PIK3CA Mutation.. Other minor updates, like tracking and references.
2025/03/08: Tracking: Update hepatic values after new analysis. Several minor updates including hepatic results, weight and timeline. Other minor fixes and references.
2025/03/06: New article: password managers. Best practices for secure password management.
2025/03/05: New article: Email accounts. First article related to some of the things that need to be put in order for the future.
2025/03/04: Tracking: Update hepatic values after new analysis. Looks like they slowly go back to normal. Other updates in weight. I got 38°C fever in the mid-afternoon.
2025/03/03: Tracking: Update hepatic values after new analysis. Still increasing.
2025/03/03: New article: My cancer mutation KRAS-A146T. Added a new technical article summarizing insights from six external sources on the KRAS-A146T mutation, its impact on prognosis, and its specific treatment with FOLFOX + Bevacizumab. The information was synthesized by artificial intelligence. Please refer to the original sources for further details.
2025/03/02: New article: Genetic mutations. New article describing the results of my identified genetic mutation and how it affects my life expectancy. Includes other minor updates and fixes.
2025/03/01: Update tracking page: add third chemo session date
2025/03/01: Script to automatically generate changelog page: This will run every time I generate the site and it'll update both the Spanish and English versions of the changelog.